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2016年外研社六年级英语下册Module2 Unit1教案
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2016年外研社六年级英语下册Module2 Unit1教案
Step1Warming up 
    1. Greeting.
2. Sing an English song. ( 上一模块的歌曲。)
3. 桌上摆满食物:apples, hamburgers, bread, eggs…教师边捂肚子边说:I’m hungry. I’m going to eat a hamburger. What are you going to eat?
(设计意图:借助实物与学生进行对话练习,为导入课题做铺垫。让学生练习be going to…这个句型。)
Step2: Presentation
1.      出示鸭子的图片学习单词duck.
2.  T:  I’m going to go to the park with my friends this weekend.  
I’m going to go at nine. How about you, children? ( 师一边慢慢地说,一边板书重点句型) 
What are we going to do?
We are going to...
When are we going to eat?
We are going to eat at...
Practice the sentences by different ways. 
 Step3: Learning the text 
1.      T: 同学们,发挥你们的想象力,用下列单词组成一个故事,不
会的单词可以用汉语代替: weekend, twelve o’clock, walk around the lake, rain, ducks.不要忘了用上be going to …句型。
2.      T: You are very clever. Your weekends are so interesting. Do you
know what Daming , Simon and Simon’s mother are going to do? Before we listen, let’s read the questions.(出示课件)
①      Who are they?
②     Where are they?
③      When are they going to eat?
④      What are they going to do before eating?
⑤      Is it a sunny day?
3. Read the text.(以自己喜欢的方式读,个性读,大声读,两人读等等)
4. Play the E-pen. Let the students read after the E-pen.

资料名称: 2016年外研社六年级英语下册Module2 Unit1教案
文件大小: 60K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: (三年级起)外研版六年级下Module2
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 2016年外研社六年级英语下册Module2 Unit2教案 16-03-10

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