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牛津译林版8B Unit4 A Good Read L6 Study skills教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-03-27

牛津译林版英语8B Unit4 A Good Read L6 Study skills教案
I. Teaching aims and learning objectives
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. know some common transitions;
2. learn how to use the transitions in writing.
II. Teaching contents
New words and phrases: experience, sail, hidden, confidence
III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty
To learn how to use the transitions in writing.
IV. Teaching procedures
Step 1 Lead-in
Review the story of Xi Wang.
T: Do you remember this giant panda Xi Wang? Read the passage and fill in the blanks.
T: These words are all transitions.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Introduce transitions
What is a transition?
Show the picture of a bridge and tell students that transitions are the bridges that allow a reader to move from one idea to the next without getting lost in the language. In writing, a transition is a word, phrase or sentence. 
2. Introduce different types of transitions
  (1) Connect the sentences by adding transitional words.
(2) Why do we need transitions?
(3) Types of transitions
Transitions can be used to show time and sequence, to add information, to give an example, to show cause and effect, to emphasize, to compare and contrast.
Step 3 Practice
1. Find the transitional words and phrases
T: Try to find the transitional words and phrases in Gulliver in Lilliput and discuss with your partner about their types.
2. Underline the transitional words and phrases
T: Read Sandy’s article and underline the transitional words and phrases. Discuss with your partner about their types.
3. Complete the sentences
  T: Complete the sentences with proper transitional words or phrases.
4. Add some transitions
T: Rewrite the following article about TV and website by adding some transitional words or phrases.
Step 4 Summary
T: To improve your writing, you need to make sure that your ideas, both in sentences and paragraphs, stick together and have coherence. One way to do this is to use transitional words or phrases that help bring ideas together.
V. Homework
1. Review and remember the transitions.
2. Prepare to write about your reading habits, using proper transitions.

资料名称: 牛津译林版8B Unit4 A Good Read L6 Study skills教案
文件大小: 29K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8BUnit4
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