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仁爱版七年级下Unit6 Topic 1 Section D随堂练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-03-29

仁爱版七年级下Unit6 Topic 1 Section D随堂练习含答案
1. The hospital is ______ (在……旁边)the park.
2. The lab is ______ (在……左边)the computer room.
3. Tom is tall in his class. He sits ______ (在……后面) the classroom.
4. Look! There is a tall tree ______(在……前面) the house.
5. The swimming pool is ______ (在……中心) the park.
1. —Where is the ball? I can’t see it.
—It’s ____ the door.
A. near                      B. next to                  C. under            D. behind
2. —Aunt Wang isn’t at home. Can you help her ____ her baby?
A. look like               B. look after              C. look at            D. look for
3. —Tom, don’t put your pen here. ____, please.
—OK, thank you.
A. Put it away  B. Put it on               C. Put away it  D. Put on it
4. There are some trees ____ the classroom and there is a blackboard ____it.
A. in front of; in front of                       B. in the front of; in the front of
C. in the front of; in front of                 D. in front of; in the front of
(Anna and Lucy are good friends. Today is Sunday. Anna comes to Lucy’s house.)
Anna: Lucy, your house is very beautiful!
Lucy: 1. ________________________________
Anna: Can you tell me something about it?
Lucy: 2. ________________________________ There is a dining room, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor.
Anna: They are very clean. 3. ________________________________
Lucy: My bedroom is on the second floor.
Anna: Is there a study?
Lucy: 4. ________________________________ It’s on the second floor, next to my bedroom. Why not go and have a look?
Anna: 5. ________________________________ Wow, you have a nice study!
Lucy: Thank you.

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