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仁爱版七年级下Unit7 Topic 1 Section D随堂练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-03-29

仁爱版七年级下Unit7 Topic 1 Section D随堂练习含答案
1. — What is Mary doing?
—She is ______ (plan) to have a party for her mother.
2. I would like ______ (buy) a big cake for my friend.
3. May 15th is ______ (Lucy) birthday.
4. Mr. Brown wants to buy some beautiful ______ (flower) for his wife.
5. We can use the glass ______ (drink) water.
1. —What’s the shape of the table?
—It’s ____.
A. red           B. circle              C. 5 centimeters long        D. a cat
2. —When were you born?
—I was born on ____.
A. 1999, October 29th             B. October 29th, 1999
C. 1999, 29th October             D. 29th, 1999, October
3. Next Thursday is my uncle’s birthday. Let’s have a party ____ him.
A. for          B. of                  C. to                                 D.at
4. —Would you like ____ shopping with me?
—Yes, I’d love to.
A. go           B. to go              C. goes                              D. going
5. Tomorrow is Teacher’s Day. I will buy some flowers ____ Mr. Wang.
A. in            B. on                   C. for                                D. with
1. 汤姆出生于1990年6月10日。
Tom ______ ______ on June 10th, 1990.
2. 玛丽正计划庆祝布朗夫人的生日。
Mary ______ ______ ______ ______ Mrs. Brown’s birthday.
3. 我爸爸每天早饭前打扫卫生。
My father often ______ ______ ______ before breakfast every morning.
4. 明天是汤姆的生日,让我们给他做一张生日卡片吧。
Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Let’s ______ ______ ______ ______ for him.
5. 玛丽想为布朗夫人做一顿大餐。
Mary wants to ______ ______ ______ ______ for Mrs. Brown.

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 仁爱版七年级下Unit7 Topic 1 Section C随堂练习含答案 16-03-29

 仁爱版七年级下Unit7 Topic 1 Section B随堂练习含答案 16-03-29

 仁爱版七年级下Unit7 Topic 1 Section A随堂练习含答案 16-03-29

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 仁爱版七年级下Unit7 Topic 2 Section B随堂练习含答案 16-03-29

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