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仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 1 Section D随堂练习含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-04-01

仁爱版八年级下Unit6 Topic 1 Section D随堂练习含答案
1. To buy a house in the city ____ hard for people now.
A. is                    B. are                  C. was                       D. were
2. It’s nice of you ____ me with my English.
A. for help          B. to help            C. helping                  D. helped
3. My pen is lost. I have no pen ____.
A. write              B. to write           C. to write with         D. to write on
4. His mother told him ____ on the street. It’s dangerous.
A. to play         B. not play        C. to not play           D. not to play
5. The little boy ____ frightened ____ he couldn’t say a word.
A. too; to            B. enough; to     C. so; that                  D. such; that
A: Hello, He Fan. Did you go on a trip during winter holiday?
B: Yes.
A: 1. _____________________________
B: I went to Heilongjiang.
A: 2. _____________________________
B: I went there with my parents.
A: 3. _____________________________
B: We went there by train. It could help us to save money.
A: 4. _____________________________
B: We played snow balls and made many snowmen.
A: 5. _____________________________
B: Certainly. We were so excited to see snow. Everything was covered with snow. It looked great.
1. The first thing for the visitors is _____ _____ _____ (拍照片) in beautiful places.
2. Their plane _____ _____ (安全着陆) after 3 hours’ flight.
3. _____ _____ _____ (旅行期间), he visited a few friends.
4. They left home on Monday. _____ _____ _____ (第二天) they got to Sanya.
5. I _____ _____ _____ (旅途愉快) very much, so I didn’t feel tired at that time.

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