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上传者:谢雯   加入日期:16-04-10

1. He____________(throw) his schoolbag and went out.
2.Neither of the boys ______________(hate)____________(take)the dog for a walk.
3.Helen will clean her room as soon as she _________(finish )her work.
4.His grades ____________(drop) fast last term because of his. laziness.
5.Things can go wrong easily when people are under too much ___________(stress).
6.It’s not smart of you to waste much time_____________(lie) on the bed on weekends.
7.Why can’t I get a free ticket, too? I think it’s ___________(fair).
8.Since we are students, it’s our job ______________(study) hard at school.
9.Mr.Brown ______________(pass) our school to go to work every day.

资料名称: 2017级八年级下第五周Unit3(U3SA3a-SB)单元检测试卷
文件大小: 69K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit3
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