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二、选择题 (15分)
(     ) 21. .He is looking forward to _______ with you soon.
        A. chat        B. chatted      C. chats             D. chatting
(     ) 22. __________ interesting story it is!
        A. What         B. How            C. What a          D. What an
(     ) 23. There isn’t __________ in today’s newspaper.
        A. something interesting              B. interesting something
        C. anything interesting               D. interesting anything
(     )24. What? Walking on the ice? That sounds_______ .
        A. danger      B. well          C. dangerous         D. dangerously
(     ) 25. She didn’t like eating fish                  .
        A. any more         B. no more             C. not more             D. more
(     ) 26. Listen! I heard Tom________ in the next room.
        A. sing                B. sings         C. sang          D. singing
(     ) 27. She was very tired after _________ for three hours.
        A. walking         B. walks          C. walked           D. walk
(     )28. I’m sure she will _______ learn English well.
         A. can         B. be able         C. be able to       D. can be able to
(     ) 29. The students stopped _______when the teacher came in.
         A. to talk         B. talk         C. talking        D. talks
(     ) 30.A car hit her yesterday and s he is now______. Let’s _______her this afternoon.
         A. in the hospital, go and to see               B. In the hospital, go and see
         C. in hospital, go and see                       D. in the hospital, to go and to see

资料名称: 江苏省东台市度七年级下第三次学情调研英语试题含答案
文件大小: 6947K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津7B月考试卷
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