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Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。
  1. Betty didn’t do well on her English ________ (考试).
  2. The ________ (最终的) score of the basketball game was 22:15.
  3. I think Li Na is the best ________ (网球) player in our country.
  4. Why are you so ________ (兴奋的)? What happened?
  5. Is ________ (排球) popular in your school?
  1. 你在数学考试中做得怎么样?
     ________ did you ________ ________ your math ________?
  2. 他在舞蹈方面做得好吗?
     Does he ________ ________ ________ dancing?
  3. 苏珊打算跟我的家人在一起住两个星期。
        Susan is ________ to ________ ________ my family for two weeks.
  4. 你不必今天把作业都做完。
     You don’t ________ ________ finish all of your homework today.
  5. 孩子们正期待着看到他们的礼物。
     The children are ________ ________ ________ ________ their gifts.
A: We’ll (1)t________ our final exams this Wednesday. Are you ready for them, Tom?
B: Yes. And after that, I will go back to my (2)c________, the U.S.
A: Will you go somewhere interesting with your family?
B: Sure. We are going to the beaches. I will (3)r________ the waves at sea.
A: When will you come back to China?
B: I’m going to stay home for a month so I can come back in (4)A________. I’m going to go on a trip to Zhangjiajie.
A: It is a great place to visit. Maybe I can go there with you in August.
B: Really? That’s (5)g________! I will call you if I come back from the U.S.
A: OK. I can’t wait for our trip.

资料名称: 2016年冀教版七年级下Unit8同步练习含答案(共3课时)
文件大小: 48K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 冀教版七年级下Unit8
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