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上传者:   加入日期:16-04-19

(    )1.A.window    B.wall      C.floor
(    )2.A.here      B.light     C.where
(    )3.A.fan       B.like      C.right
(    )4.A.go        B.toy       C.you
(    )5.A.near      B.quiet     C.picture
(    )1.A.Let’s go and see.    B. I have a Chinese friend.
(    )2.A.Where is it?          B. What’s your name?
(    )3.A.It’s blue.           B. He’s tall.
(    )4.A.He has short hair.    B. What’s his name?
(    )5.A.Put up the picture.   B. He’s tall and strong.
(    )1.The book is on the desk.
(    )2.Let’s clean the room.
(    )3.I have a maths book.
(    )4.Kate has short hair.
(    )5.It’s on the wall.  
(    )1.A.I have four books.  B.It’s near the computer.
(    )2.A.It’s in a desk.    B.OK.
(    )3.A.Her name is Amy.    B.It’s blue.
(    )4.A.I’m  John.         B.I have a book.
(    )5.A.It’s on the fan.   B.He is WuYifan.

资料名称: 2015—2016学年度人教版四年级下英语期中试题
文件大小: 62K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 人教版四年级下期中试题
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 2016年四年级英语下册期中考试卷及答案 16-07-19

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