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冀教版七年级英语下册Unit 2 It's Show Time!全单元教案
Lesson 7: What Is Your Project about
.Learning aims
1.Language goals: project, interest, still, anywhere, joke, talk about, make a joke, work on
2.Talk about a trip and have a project.
3.Be interested in history and culture of a country.
.Learning important points
1.Master the important vocabulary.
2.Have a project about your trip.
3.The irregular verbs.
.Learning difficult points
1.The difficult structures:
(1) Jenny and Danny talk about the trip and their projects.
(2) I slept for two full days!
(3) Are you ready for your project?
(4) My project is about some places of interest in China.
(5) Let’s go to the library and work on our projects.
2.Know the irregular verbs.
.Learning guide
1.Warming up
According to what you have learnt in unit 1, answer the following questions.
(1) What did Danny see on his trip to the Silk Road?
(2) How did Jenny like the trip?
2.Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
(1) What is Danny’s project about?
(2) What is Danny’s joke?
(3) What is the Silk Road about?  
3.Finish exercise 4 on P19.
(二) Showing and exchange
1.talk about,    talk to / with sb.
They are talking about the weather.
Don’t talk to me when I am studying.
2.get ready for sth.    Get ready to do sth.
She is getting ready for supper.
She is getting ready to go to Shanghai tomorrow.
3.places of interest / interesting places
There are many places of interest in China.
4.work on sth. / doing sth.
He is working on a new project.
(三) Expansion
talk,    say,    speak,    tell
1.They are talking with the teacher.
2.I say he likes swimming.
3.She can speak English.
4.Please tell him to wait for me there.
(四)Task in class
anywhere,    somewhere
(1) I cannot find my book ___________.
(2) I just live __________ in the city.

资料名称: 冀教版七年级英语下册Unit2全单元教案
文件大小: 80K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 冀教版七年级下Unit2
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