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冀教版七年级英语下册Unit 7 Sports and Good Health全单元教案(共6课时)
Lesson37:You Are What You Eat!
.Learning aims:
1:Grasp main words:truth decide change habit usual health alful.
2: Understand important sentences.
3: Know about some food are good for us and have a balanced diet.
.Learning main points:
1: Grasp words and phrases.
2: Key sentences and structures: There be 句型.
3: Learn about You Are What You Eat!
.Learning difficulties:
1: Grasp words and phrases.
2: There be 句型.
3: Learn about You Are What You Eat!.
(一) self-learning:
1:Talk about food they like and dislike in group of 4 ,then make a  list of which food is good for us which are bad,read out food are good for us.Then look at Lesson37.
Listen to the tape and complete Let's Do It 1,read the passage again and check in group of 4.
2:小组合作 互助释义:
to tell you the truth ________as uaual________have a dream______
You Are What You Eat!________________ be good for_________

资料名称: 冀教版七年级英语下册Unit7全单元教案
文件大小: 80K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 冀教版七年级下Unit7
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