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上传者:寿海云   加入日期:16-04-24

1.W:Could you play tennis with me. Brian?
M:Sounds good. But the TV show is also very interesting.
2. W:Would you please play soccer ball with me, John?
M:I’d love to, but I’ m studying for my math exam now.
3. W:Do you like lions?
M:No, they’re kind of scary. I like monkeys.
4. W:Pandas are so cute and lovely.
M:So let’s go and see them first.
5. M:Hi, Jane. Would you like to take a walk with me?
W:Sorry, I can’t go with you. I’m washing my clothes.
W:Where are the children, John?
M:They are in their rooms.
W:What are they doing?
M:Jeff is playing computer games. Cathy is drawing and Synthia is doing her homework.
M:Hi, Susan. This is Carl. What are you doing?
W:I’m just washing my clothes..
M:I want to see a movie in the afternoon. Do you want to go with me?
W:Sure. What’s the name of the movie?.
W:Cool! Can my brother Peter come, too? My parents aren’t at home.
M:OK. Is he doing his homework now?
W:Yes, he is.
M:Well. Let’s meet at 3:15.
W:OK. See you then.
    Jessica has two good friends, Linda and Jack. They’re her classmates, too. Now they’re in the classmate. Jack is listening to music. He likes ball games. Baseball is his favorite. That beautiful girl is Linda. She is drinking milk. Linda’s parents are musicians. Linda also loves music. She can sing well, and she can also play the piano and the violin well. She is a little star at school.

资料名称: 绍兴市浣纱2015-2016学年七年级下期中英语试卷含答案
文件大小: 93K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标七年级下半期试题
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