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VIII.改写句子  按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)
96. They are cleaning the classroom. (改为否定句)
   They ____________  ____________ cleaning the classroom.
97. Mike borrowed five hundred dollars from his cousin. (就句子画线部分提问)
   ____________  ____________ did Mike borrow from his cousin?
98. “Do you often spend time with your grandparents?” Lucy asked me. (改写句子,句意不变)
   Lucy asked ____________ I often ____________ time with my grandparents.
99. If we don’t help him, he won’t be able to finish the work on time.(改写句子,句意不变)
   It’s ____________ for him to finish the work on time ____________ our help.
100. They usually give these animals food to eat twice a day.(改写句子,句意不变)
    These animals ____________ usually ____________ twice a day.
IX.完成句子  根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)
101. 你能用英语从一数到二十吗?
Can you count from one to twenty _________  _________?
102. 侯逸凡从五岁开始学下国际象棋。
Hou Yifan started to _________  _________ at the age of five.
103. 这一周大家都很忙,把聚会推迟到下周,好吗?
Everyone is busy this week. How about _________  _________ the party till next week?
104. 那个才艺展示节目相当受欢迎,但人们从不拿它当真。
That talent show is quite popular, but it’s never _________  _________.
105. 我认为有必要把孩子们分成几个小组,这样方便他们课堂上进行讨论。
I think it _________ to divide the students into small groups. This helps them have _________ in class.

资料名称: 2016届济南市槐荫区学业水平阶段性调研英语试题含答案
文件大小: 634K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 济南市中考专栏
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