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人教新目标版八年级下Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came-单元练习含听力mp3
31. After the boy reached the final(终点), he s                 raised his arms(手臂).
32. --- Have you ever seen him r                ?
--- No, I haven't seen him for a long time.
33. He didn't say a word, and just looked at me in s                .
34. You should tell your teacher the t                 earlier.
35. Tony wants to write a r                 about the writer.
36. It rained so                 (大) last night that the lake is full of water now.
37. By the time I arrived home, the TV play had already b                .
38. What s                 clothes you're wearing today! You look so funny.
39. Please l                 a fire in the living-room tonight.
40. Oak(橡木) is a good type of w                 for making furniture.
41. He is too young to                 (认识到) his mistakes.
42. Life is too busy, sometimes it will let me breathe                 (沉重地).
43. A strong wind came from behind                 (突然) and we lost the umbrella in the wind.
44. When the farmers were growing rice in the fields, suddenly it                 (开始) to rain.
45. The rain is                 (敲打) the windows and the door.
46. She is shy to speak to                 (不熟悉的) people.
47. Children, don't run in the                 (走廊).
48. Your opinion is                 (完全) different from mine.
49. Have you ever heard of the saying '                (沉默) is gold'?
50. To tell the                 (真相), it's just a joke.
51. 当我爸爸回家的时候,我正在写作业。
I                                   my homework                  my father came back home.
52. 他们那时不在打排球。
They                  volleyball at that time.
53. 她捡起电话并拨了一个号码。
She                                   the telephone and dialed a number.
54. 与睡眠好的人相比,睡眠不好的人要花更长的时间才能入睡。
Poor sleepers take longer to                                   than good sleepers.
55. 把这幅画取下来,挂上一张世界地图。
                                  the picture and put up a map of the world.

资料名称: 人教新目标版八年级下册Unit5单元练习含听力mp3
文件大小: 3766K
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版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit5
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