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人教新目标版八年级下册Unit7 What's the highest mountain in the world-单元练习含听力mp3
31. If we go on cutting down trees, the land will turn into a d                .
32. Xi'an is the city where many a                 emperors made the capital.
33. More and more animals are killed. We must do our best to p                 them.
34. After-school activities i                 sports, language learning, music and so on.
35. You must do r                 before you make an important decision.
36. His i                 is the result that he never exercises.
37. Our g                 is well worth believing. Do you agree with me?
38. The man couldn't go to sleep. He was a                 all night.
39. Have a good rest and you will be back in c                 soon.
40. When you w                 over 60kg, you are fat and you should eat less.
41. Her                 (成就) were beyond the film industry. She succeeded at last.
42. Do you need a pair of sunglasses to                 (保护) you from the sun?
43. They are doing a lot of                 (研究) to protect animals in danger.
44. Well, I know this panda                 (重) 100 kilos.
45. Does the price                 (包括) breakfast only, or dinner as well?
46. The Great Wall was built in                 (古代的) times in order that the northern border of our country could be protected.
47. Many                 (游客) visit Boxing every year.
48. It was an                 (令人惊奇的) day but the best part was the song and dance parade.
49. No one can                 (成功) without hard work.
50. Mary didn't take part in the sports meet because of her                 (生病).
51. 据我所知, 他是我们班最有钱的。 (词数不限)
                , he is the richest in our class.
52. 李梅比她班里的其他任何学生都高。
Li Mei is taller                                                    student in her class.
53. Dave是我们班上第二强壮的男孩。
Dave is                  of our class.
54. 你每天需要吸收2000卡的能量。
You need to                                   2000 calories every day.
55. If we have no knowledge, we cannot                                                   (成功完成) any work.

资料名称: 人教新目标版八年级下册Unit7单元练习含听力mp3
文件大小: 7868K
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版本年级: 新目标八年级下Unit7
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