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初中英语外研版七年级下册Module9 Life history单元练习含听力mp3
31. Einstein was s                 in physics.
32. --- How many l                 can you speak?
--- Two, Chinese and English.
33. He is very r                 but his brother is very poor.
34. Brad can play basketball. He wants to b                 a basketball star.
35. This kind of thing only happens in films, not in r                 life.
36. S                 is the ninth month of a year.
37. The best time to visit New York is in O                .
38. My birthday is N                 2.
39. The twelfth month of a year is D                .
40. Mr. Green reads n                 every morning. So he always knows the latest(最新的) news.
41. --- Can you tell me the                 (准确的) time now?
--- OK. It's a quarter to twelve.
42. Our school                 (建造) a tall building last year.
43. Why are great people so                 (有成就的)?
44. It's easier to learn a foreign                 (语言) when you visit the country.
45. Deng Xiaoping was born on                 (八月) 22nd, 1904.
46.                 (九月) is the ninth month of the year.
47. The school volleyball game is in                 (十月).
48. Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in                 (十一月) in America.
49. Christmas Day is on                 (十二月) 25th.
50. This is a                 (真正的) computer.

资料名称: 外研版英语七年级下册Module9单元练习含听力mp3
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版本年级: 外研版七年级下Module9
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