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初中英语外研版八年级下册Module1 Feelings and impressions单元练习含听力mp3
36. What a big s                ! The baby was really scared.
37. Lucy is a l                 girl. We all like her.
38. We should try our best to make our parents and teachers p                 of us.
39. --- Where is Jack, Mary ?
--- He has gone fishing. Fishing is his h                .
40. Don't be n                 in the test. Just relax.
41. Mr. Wang can't see the words clearly(清楚地). So he puts on a pair of g                .
42. My mother told me not to speak to s                 in the street.
43. Green and white are my f                 colors. My friend Lily likes them very much, too.
44. --- Where is Tom?
--- He's left a m                 saying that he had something important to do.
45. --- Can we drink s                 milk?
--- No, We can't. It is bad for our health.
46. Sorry, he is not in at the moment. Can I take a                 (口信)?
47. The scarf feels very                 (柔软的) and comfortable.
48. She is a                 (可爱的) girl and popular with everyone.
49. I really love the song. It                 (听起来) wonderful.
50. Mr. Brown was very                 (自豪的) of his son and daughter.
51. What is your                 (最喜欢的) subject?
52. The famous man has many                 (爱好).
53. Ann is a                 (陌生人) in the big city, so she has no friends. She feels very lonely.
54. We are often told not to be                 (紧张的) in the examinations.
55. Tony bought a pair of                 (牛仔裤) yesterday.
56. 玲玲不擅长拉小提琴,但她想试一试。
Lingling isn't good at playing the violin but she wants to                                                   .
57. 我们在学校里学习很高兴。
We                  studying                 .
58. 我们以张晓光,一名来自辽宁的宇航员而自豪。(词数不限)
We                  Zhang Xiaoguang, an astronaut from Liaoning.
59. 它看起来很好。
                                  really great.
60. 没有你我会感到很孤独的。 (词数不限)
I will                  without you.
61. 这个比萨饼尝起来很可口。(词数不限)
The pizza                 .
62. 托尼迫不及待地拆开他的生日礼物。
Tony                                   to unwrap his birthday present.
63. 他的嗓音听起来确实优美。
His                                   really beautiful.

资料名称: 外研版八年级下册Module1单元练习含听力mp3
文件大小: 3645K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 外研版八年级下Module1
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