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初中英语外研版八年级下册Module4 Seeing the doctor单元练习含听力mp3
31. I'm afraid I have got a f                —my temperature is very high.
32. --- What's the matter, David?--- I have a cold and I'm c                 badly.
33. I'm not sure. P                 he knows the answer.
34. He was awarded because he took an a                 part in class activities.
35. I joined Communist Youth League(共青团) last year. So I am a League m                .
36. I think you need to eat less and e                 more. It's good for you.
37. Because of i                ; his father didn't go to work yesterday.
38. --- I have a t                .--- You should go to see a dentist.
39. The girl is still very w                 after her illness.
40. I think doing sports is good for our h                .
41. We must learn to look after ourselves in our d                 life.
42. That beer made me quite s                . I wanted to go to bed.
43. Taking exercise every day helps him to keep good                 (健康).
44. My father usually reads the                 (每日的) newspapers in the morning.
45. My son had got a bad                 (咳嗽). He didn't go to school today.
46. I heard you had got a                 (头痛) yesterday.
47. He joined the party two years ago and he has been a party                 (成员) for two years.
48. No one can work the whole day in such a bad                 (环境).
49. Mary didn't take part in the sports meet because of her                 (生病).
50. No one answered the phone.                 (可能), he is not at home now.
51. --- I need some                 (练习) books. Shall I go shopping with you, Mum?--- Sure.
52. That's my grandmother. She is 84. You wouldn't believe how                  (活跃的) she is!

资料名称: 外研版八年级下册Module4单元练习含听力mp3
文件大小: 1814K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 外研版八年级下Module4
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