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初中英语外研版八年级下册Module7 Summer in Los Angeles单元练习含听力mp3
31. Don't be c                 about computer games, and that's bad for your eyes.
32. If you eat less calories(卡路里) than you burn, you'll lose w                .
33. The company will p                 food at noon. So you can have lunch in the company.
34. If you work hard, you will make great p                .
35. Some people p                 listening to music to watching TV.
36. Which language you speak d                 on where you live.
37. When we learn a language, we also need to learn something about its c                .
38. Trust is very important for you to develop f                 with others.
39. Mr. Smith, the manager of the hotel, told his g                 to live on the eighth floor.
40. Mr. Wang is always the first to get to school and the l                 to leave school.
41. You'll make                 (进步) in speaking English if you keep on practising.
42. Mr. Wang                 (列出) several books that he wants to buy.
43. There are different                 (文化) in different countries.
44. We all regard that                 (友谊) is the most important in the world.
45. Frank                 (更喜欢) to read in bed when he was young, so he is short-sighted.
46. She said to herself, 'Can he be                 (依靠) on?'
47. How many                 (客人) were there at his birthday party?
48. Tom is                 (着迷的) about football. He plays football even when it rains.
49. Could you                 (提供) me with information about the Talent Show?
50. You've put on                 (重量), haven't you?
51. 请你为这次野餐列个购物清单好吗?
Would you please                  a shopping                  for the picnic?
52. 这个月底我们要考试。(词数不限)
We will have an exam                   this month.
53. 你能在学习的同时玩得快乐。
You can learn and have fun                                                                    .
54. 这要由你住在哪儿而定。
It                  where you live.
55. 你和你的笔友保持联系吗?
Did you                                                                     your pen pal?

资料名称: 外研版八年级下册Module7单元练习含听力mp3
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版本年级: 外研版八年级下Module7
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