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初中英语外研版九年级下册Module5 Look after yourself 单元练习含听力mp3
31. The two sides failed to reach an a                .
32. I e                 that I can spend my winter holiday in Hawaii.
33. I r                 two children to help me.
34. After putting most of his e                 into table tennis training, Ma Lin won the gold medal of Men's Singles at the Beijing Olympic Games.
35. The pollution causes great damage to our health and does h                 to plants and animals.
36. Our parents all                 (期待) we'll have a bright future.
37. Never shout at your parents even if you are not in                 (意见一致).
38. You should put your                 (努力) into your study.
39. The earth is our home. Everyone of us shouldn't do                 (伤害) to the environment.
40. He always keeps on doing                 (身体的) exercises in the park.
41. In order to watch the news on TV, he often                 (finish) his homework before 7 o'clock .
42. I've had the toy bear since I                 (be) a baby.
43. Listen! The birds                 (sing) in the trees.
44. They                 (not have) any classes next week.
45. We know each other well because we                 (be) friends since ten years ago,
46. This time yesterday Jack                 (mend) his bike.
47. English                 (speak) by many people in the world.
48. A present                 (give) to me by my friend yesterday.
49. A modern hospital                 (build) in this city next year.
50. Some of the swamps have been                 (pollute).
51. 他跑得那么快我追不上他。
He runs so fast that I can't                                                    him.
52. 多亏其他国家的帮助,日本人地震后生活平静。(词数不限)
                 from other countries, people in Japan live a peaceful life after the earthquake.
53. 在阳光下看书会对你的眼睛造成伤害。
Reading in the sun will                                                    your eyes.
54. 因此当我与朋友见面时,我努力做到守时。
So I                                                    to be on time when I meet my friends.
55. 我偶尔吃一块巧克力。
I have a bar of chocolate                                                                    .

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