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译林牛津版七年级下Unit1 Dream homes单元练习含听力mp3
上传者:   加入日期:16-05-06

初中英语译林牛津版七年级下册Unit1 Dream homes单元练习含听力mp3
57. These electric products are made in                 (日本).
58. --- Are you from different                 (国家)?
--- Yes, you are right.
59. --- Do you know the                 (首都) of France?
--- Yes. It's Paris.
60.                 (从事园艺) makes me relax every day.
61. Waikiki is one of the best                 (海滩) for surfing in Honolulu.
62. Please lend me one                 (千) dollars.
63.                 (刀) and forks will be necessary when we have western food.
64. I launched my rocket in a                 (田地).
65. The old man often goes to the                 (电影院) with his friends.
66. We are looking forward to                 (邀请) our foreign teachers to our Eve Feast.
67. The P                 Museum is famous around the world.
68. --- Where is the bed?
--- It's in your b                ?
69. He got five m                 dollars in the lottery.
70. He s                 in a school. He is a student.
71. Do you take a s                 every day?
72. Let's go to the c                (电影院) on weekends.
73. It's not far from my house. It's only two m                .
74. They decided to go there on f                .
75. I'm sorry, Lucy is out right now. Can I take a m                 for her?
76. I am 1.80 m                 tall. What about you, Li Ming?

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版本年级: 牛津7BUnit1
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