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鲁教版七年级下册Unit7 Self Check练习题含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-05-14

鲁教版七年级下册Unit7 Self Check练习题含答案
 1. stomach                 
 2. 嗓子                 
 3. tooth                 
 4. headache                 
 5. health problems                 
 6. know of                 
 7. have a sore leg                 
 8. see a doctor                 
 9. hurt one's back                 
10. What was the m                 with him yesterday?
11. The old woman had a f                . The doctor took her temperature.
12. Ben is in t                . Let's help him.
13. He used the k                 to cut the apples for us.
14. Mr. Green is in c                 of this company now.

资料名称: 鲁教版七年级下册Unit7 Self Check练习题含答案
文件大小: 156K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 鲁教版七年级下Unit7
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 鲁教版七年级下册Unit7 Section A练习题含答案 16-05-14

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