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1. Safety comes first. You have no __________ (选择) but to be careful..                                                 
2. The kid was careless and fell _____________(沉重地) to the ground.                                                   
3. I hope that our he admaster will _____________(赞扬) us for the special design.                                          
4. It’s necessary to become ___________(严格的) with yourself before important exams than usual.                                       
5. Try to calm down and not to get __________(patient) while facing much stress.                                           
6. The money is used to support ___________ (develop) projects                                                             
7. Shanghai Disneyland will open on June 16, 2016. I __________(simple) can’t wait for the day.                                   
8. I think the man in white must be____________(mistake) for a doctor. 

资料名称: 无锡市钱桥中学2016届九年级下第一次月考试题含听力mp3
文件大小: 8032K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津9B月考试卷
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