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牛津8B Unit7 Period5 Integrated skills教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-05-24

牛津8B Unit7 Period5 Integrated skills教案
一、创设情境---引锚Daily report
Our class charity show
Step 1 . Ask students to read a short passage about UNICEF and answer the questions.(Part A1)
1) When was UNICEF set up?
2) What changed children’s lives at that time?
3) How many countries and areas does UNICEF work in?
Step 2 Show some pictures about the work that UNICEF does around the world to make children’s lives better.
Step 3 Some new words. volunteer, organize, raise, provide.
探究活动二:Read and listen
Step 1 Listen to the tape and put the sentences into the correct order in Part A2.
Step 2. Listen to it again so that students can check their answers.
Step 3. Ask students to read the information in Part A1,2 then answer the questions.
(1) When was UNICEF set up?
(2) Why was it set up?
(3) Where does it work?
(4) What does it do to help?
(5) How does it raise money?

资料名称: 牛津8B Unit7 Period5 Integrated skills教案
文件大小: 19K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 牛津8BUnit7
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