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牛津8B Unit7 Period6 Speak up教案
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牛津8B Unit7 Period6  Speak up教案
UNICEF tries to prevent children from getting illnesses. When you look pale, you’d better see a doctor. The doctor will give you a check to find out what is the matter with you.
探究活动一:Listening to the tape
1 Read the dialogue, what’s the matter with the boy?
  He has got toothache.
2 Listen to the tape, then tell me if the sentences are True or False.
 1) The boy does not look very well. T
 2) His face is red.      F
 3) He has felt like this for three days.    F
 4) He will be all right in a few days.  T
 5) He has to take the medicine four times a day.   F
1 Now read the conversation after the tape sentence by sentence.
2 Boys will play the role of the sick boy and girls will play the role of the doctor. Then change roles.
探究活动三:Make up new dialogues
Make up new dialogues like this:
A: You don’t look very well. Your face is pale. What is the matter with you?
B: I have got a headache. It really hurts. I can’t sleep well.
A: How long have you been like this?
B: For at least four days.

资料名称: 牛津8B Unit7 Period6 Speak up教案
文件大小: 17K
文件格式: docx
版本年级: 牛津8BUnit7
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