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66. Oh, sorry. I didn’t  ________(注意)the photo on the wall.
67. Mobile phones are used all over the world during the 21st________(世纪),
68. Thank you for __________(邀请)me to your evening party.
69. In April,_______(千) of people joined in Yangzhou Marathon Race(马拉松比赛).
70. The clothes on the shelf are those_________(医生)
71. Andy’s mother likes watching him _________(飞) kites in the afternoon.
72. The little boy sometimes likes to say to _________ (he) in class.
73. The children found the doors were all_________ (lock).
74. We are all ________ (surprise) to see that a bear can swim well in the river.
75. --- Which is the __________ (twelve) month in a year? --- December.

资料名称: 扬州市江都区邵樊片2016年七年级下第二次月考试卷有听力
文件大小: 2372K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 牛津7B月考试卷
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