51. 如果你没有办法把自行车骑到山顶,那么你得把车推上去。
If you can't ride your bike to the top of the hill, you'll have to .
52. 如果你遇到新的单词,查阅一下词典。
If you meet some new words, in a dictionary.
53. 为什么不早叫醒他? 他睡得太多了。 (词数不限)
Why not early? He slept too much.
54. 没人想买这些大衣,甚至白送也不要。(词数不限)
No one wants to buy these coats. You can't even .
55. 老师向我要家庭作业,但是我交不上。
The teacher asked me for my homework, but I could not .
56. 那本书是托尼的,把它给他。
That book is Tony's. Give .
57. I don't like apples. (把它们拿走). (词数不限)
58. If you don't get the right pronunciation of the word, (查一下它) in your dictionary.
59. 我认为你没有必要把它们抄下来。
I don't think you need to .
60. 那将给我们一个交谈的机会。你能在七点十五分(用车)接我吗?(词数不限)
It'll give us a chance to talk. Can you at 7:15?