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新外研版九年级下Module3 Unit3单元检测试卷含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-06-08

新外研版九年级下Module3 Unit3单元检测试卷含答案
. 将下列句子改为同义句。
1. I prefer winter to summer.
  I like winter _____ _____ summer.
2. Tom and Mike were born at the same time.
  Tom is _____ _____ _____ Mike.
3. Li Mei is younger than the other girls in our class.
  Li Mei is _____ _____ girl in our class.
4. She began to run as fast as she could.
  She began to run _____ _____ _____ _____.
5. Tom’s shirt was 60 dollars. Jim’s shirt was 40 dollars.
  Tom’s shirt was _____ _____ than Jim’s.
1. 她已达到可结婚的年龄。
She is old enough that she can _____ _____.
2. 人类创作音乐已有数千年历史。
Men have been making music for _____ _____ years. 
3. 我敲你的门敲了15分钟。
I knocked at your door for _____ _____ _____ an hour.
4. 你能查问出火车什麽时候开吗?
Can you _____ _____ what time the train leaves?
5. 你应该把房屋建得尽可能结实。
You must make the houses _____ _____ _____ _____.

资料名称: 新外研版九年级下Module3 Unit3单元检测试卷含答案
文件大小: 665K
文件格式: zip
版本年级: 外研版九年级下Module3
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