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牛津译林版八年级下Unit8 A green world教学案
上传者:   加入日期:16-06-09

牛津译林版八年级下Unit8 A green world教学案
Step 1 Warming up
Did you know that all around the world, 3 to 6 billion trees are cut down each year? Have you eve r planted a tree?
Watch a video.
Step 2 Presentati on
1. Show some pictures and present the new words.
2. Read aloud the new words.
2. Act out the conversation.
Step 4 Practice
1. Do Part A on page 117.
2. Che ck the answers.
Step 5 Listen and answer
1. Listen to part B and answer the following questions.
1) How did Kitty go to school in the past?
2) What about now?
3) What does Millie think she should do to live a green life?
4) What about Daniel?
5) What about Sandy?
2. Read after the recorder.
Step 6 Free talk
Work in groups and talk about the ways to live a green life.
A: What should we do to live a green life?
B: I think ….
C: I think ….
D: I think ….

资料名称: 牛津译林版八年级下Unit8 A green world教学案
文件大小: 549K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8BUnit8
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