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上传者:   加入日期:16-06-13

1.A lucky dip ticket(幸运彩票)
What would you do with£56 million? Buy a car, or a house? You needn't stop there, and you could buy a lot of cars or many very  1  houses.
In Britain's largest winnings, Nigel Page and Justine Laycock got their £56 million   2  on Saturday. They won after Nigel  3  a lucky dip ticket(幸运彩票). And how did they   4   ? Not a champagne(香槟酒) breakfast 5 you might think, but a bacon roll in their supermarket cafe(小餐馆).
When Nigel found out, he  6  speak and started shaking(发抖). The  7  plan to buy a large house, a car and go to other countries for a holiday.  8  of them will give up work  Justine told her boss, 'I am not going back to  9   '. They will both need to be strong to deal with such a big amount of money. Justine's boss, Matthew Fuller, said, 'They have  10  characters(性格)and are all right.'

资料名称: 州姑苏区2016年七年级下英语期末复习练习(英语阅读训练)
文件大小: 543K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 牛津7B期末复习
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