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上传者:   加入日期:16-06-22

第四部分  词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
38. Although you are young , you can           (仍然) make the world more beautiful in your own way .
39. Our government has made laws to           (限制) air and water pollution .
40. The artist always            (表达) his world view in his works .
41. Now is the time for all Jazz            (迷) voices to be heard .
42. As the saying goes , “God helps those who help            (他们自己) .”
43. Early this morning I was busy            (挖) in the garden to plant trees .
44. Toni Morrison is considered as one of the best writers of the            (第二十) century .
45. —Do I look nice in this fur coat , Millie ?
— Mom , please don’t buy it , We should have          on wild animals .
46. —What did you do to celebrate Halloween last ye ar ?
— I           up as Superman and played “trick or treat” .
47. —How much did you spend on your trip to South Korea ?
— The           of it was 3,500 yuan in all .

资料名称: 苏州市2016年中考英语试题含答案(word版)
文件大小: 737K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 苏州市中考专栏
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