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1. A “mainstream” school is probably where ______.
 A. students with disabilities go to study                  
B. students can receive extra care
 C. most students do not have disabilities                         
D. there are many wonderful teachers
2. What was the author’s school life like?
 A. He got along very well with his classmates.                
B. He could deal with his homework easily.
 C. He kept up with others by working hard.   
D. He felt ashamed of his performance in school.
3. When Mrs Jordan called on the author, ______.
 A. he was so nervous that he forgot the answer
 B. he didn’t expect to receive such encouraging praise
 C. he was afraid that his classmates might laugh at him
 D. he knew he would become an instant star afterwards
4. With his story, the author mainly wants to tell us that ______.
 A. teachers should help their students build their confidence
 B. the right words at the right time could make a difference
 C. being disabled doesn’t mean being less important than others
 D. you need to prove yourself when you are given the chance

资料名称: 2016年人教新课标九年级Unit13阅读理解专题练习及答案
文件大小: 62K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 新目标九年级下Unit13
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