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鲁教版八年级下Unit4 Section B同步作业含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-07-05

鲁教版八年级下Unit4 Section B同步作业含答案
28.                 (知识) and ideas spread quickly after printing was invented in China.
29. No one is perfect. Don't laugh at the people who make                 (错误).
30. I'm afraid to ride a roller coaster, especially when it moves at high                 (速度).
31. In English class, we often make conversations with our                 (伙伴).
32. Good learners often c                 what they need to learn with something interesting.
33. The film was so b                 that I felt sleepy when I saw it yesterday evening.
34. Everyone is born with the a                 to think.
35. Students should pay a                 to their handwriting.
36. He has made a contribution to                 (increase) the rice production.
37. You'd better                 (join) in some activities after school.
38. As a good learner, we need to learn                 (wise) and well.
39. Could you please tell me how                 (pronounce) the word?
40. Good learners are not afraid of                 (make) mistakes.
41. We should review what we have learned by                 (explain) the information to another student.
42. Keep                 (practice) and you can improve your spoken English.
43. Knowledge comes from                 (question).
44. Zhang Jian succeeded in                 (swim) across the English Channel.

资料名称: 鲁教版八年级下Unit4 Section B同步作业含答案
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版本年级: 鲁教版八年级下Unit4
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