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鲁教版六年级下Unit10 Section A同步作业含答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-07-07

鲁教版六年级下Unit 10 Is there a post office near here? - Section A同步作业含答案
30. Many stars(明星) like to live in this h                .
31. My o                 is very big and clean. I like it.
32. There is a boy b                 a big tree.
33. I want to go to the b                 because I don't have any money.
34. Hurry up! It's a                 seven o'clock. Or we may be late.
35. The Greens often eat dinner in this r                .
36.                 (be) there a post office near here?
37. I have little money, so I can't                 (pay) for the book.
38. --- Where is the supermarket?
--- It's                 (next) to the park.
39. Is there a post office on                 (north) Street?
40. How can I                 (help) you?

资料名称: 鲁教版六年级下Unit10 Section A同步作业含答案
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文件格式: docx
版本年级: 鲁教版六年级下Unit10
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