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1. 能谈论学习方法并提出建议
2. 听懂和读懂有关节日的对话和文章,作出个人反应
1. We study English by making v____ lists.
2. Tom often makes m_____when he spells words.
3. Education is an important part of our d_____.
4. You must pay a______ to your pronunciation.
5. Don't w____ about your son, and he is old enough.
6.The dogs always bark at s_______.
7.You’d better not eat too much d________.It’s bad for your teeth.
8.That girl was very sad because her wallet was s_______.
9.You needn’t take your wallet.I’ll t_______you to supper.
10.I was searching for a birthday p________for Mark。
1. —How do you practice English?
  —I practice it by_____(read) English texts aloud.
2. I don't know where _____(go).
3. Have you _____(deal) with your problem?
4. I can write my own original sentences _____(use) the grammar.
5. It's so _____(fair) — Mary gets less money for more work.
6. The children stayed together for ___________(warm).
7.The hen_________(lay) an egg yesterday.
8.He was________(lie) on the bed reading a novel.
9.I refused__________(take) part in that activity.
10.Jack asked me if they________(have) gone to London.

资料名称: 山西省阳泉市英语九年级全册复习练习含答案(8份)
文件大小: 112K
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版本年级: 新目标九年级全册
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