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    1. Oseola McCarty gave $150 000 to the University of Southern Mississippi _______.
    A. to help the poor students        B. to surprise her friends and neighbors
    C. to show her generosity            D. to be a good and rich woman
    2. From the story we know _______.
    A. McCarty was born in a poor family near the University of Southern Mississippi
    B. everyone was surprised b ecause they thought McCarty had no education
    C. washers and dryers brought a change in McCarty‘s life
    D. McCarty gave half of her money to the church and her relatives
    3. Which of the following is true?
    A. McCarty had to work to help her family after school every day.
    B. McCarty learned to read the Bible by herself in the school.
    C. McCarty made one third of her money by washing and ironing clothes.
    D. McCarty did not have her own family because she had no husband or children.
    4. From which of the following can we tell McCarty lived a simple life?
    A. She worked hard all her life.         B. She didn’t think she was special.
    C. She didn’t have many interests.     D. She had a TV set with many channels.
    5. Which of the following is true?
    A. McCarty died at the age of eighty-six.
    B. McCarty did the job of washing for more than eighty years.
    C. McCarty gave her presents to both universities and churches.
    D. McCarty was given many honors because of her good deeds.
    1. 选A.第1段解释了她这一举动的用意:She wanted to help poor students.她这样做都是为了要帮助贫困学生,所以答案为A.
    2. 选A.从第2段我们知道Oseola McCarty是一个poor 86-year-old woman.她在8岁时就不得不离开学校来帮助养家,可知她的家里也是贫穷的。她出生在Hattiesburg, Mississippi.可见这里应该离the University of Southern Mississippi不远。所以A项是正确的。
    3. 选D.在第3段我们知道McCarty never married or had children. 她一直自己一个人生活,因此D项是正确的。
    4. 选C.在第3段作者介绍了她的简单生活。她只工作和去教堂,她只读她的圣经,她有一部黑白电视机但不怎么看,而且它只有一个频道。可见她并没有很多的爱好,所以说她的生活是simple life.答案选择C.
    5. 选D.McCarty出生在1908年,死于1999年,享年91岁,所以选项A错误;在第2段可以知道她洗衣服for nearly 80 years,所以选项B错误;最后一段我们知道She le ft money to the church, her relatives, and the university.所以选项C也是错误的;而因为她所做的这些贡献,She received many honors. 所以D是正确的。

资料名称: 晋城市泽州县2016中考英语阅读理解选练(3)及答案
文件大小: 137K
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版本年级: 晋城市中考专栏
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