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牛津英语模块7 Unit4 Reading II市级公开课课件+教案
上传者:   加入日期:16-08-05

2016年4月江苏省苏州市牛津英语模块7 Unit 4 Reading II市级公开课课件共30张PPT含教案、学案
You will be given different tasks in class and write them down here.
If railway tracks ____________ into the city, many old building___________________.
With time ________ (go by), the London Underground gains popularity (= becomes popular).
With little time ____ (leave), I have to hurry to the underground station now.
With so my much homework _____ (do), I can’t continue my research on the London Underground.
With his hands _____________ (在口袋), he elaborated on (详细阐述) the incredible development of the London Underground.

资料名称: 牛津英语模块7 Unit4 Reading II市级公开课课件+教案
文件大小: 6707K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 译林牛津版选修七Unit4
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