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47. Why is the high school diploma losing its value quickly?
     A. Because the number of high school students is growing fast.
     B. Because high school students fail to reach the standards.
     C. Because the graduation tests are easier than it should be.
     D. Because difficult courses are not required in high schools.
48. Remedial classes in Paragraph 6 mean classes____.
     A. for good learners to study quickly and better
     B. for slower learners weak in the subject
     C. for learners to be taught one by one
     D. for learners to reach a higher standard
49. What can we learn from the passage?
     A. Colleges require higher math and reading skills than companies.
     B. It is easier for companies to find high-skilled workers in India.
     C. Math and reading skills help little for workers to solve daily problems.
     D. Parents ask high schools to offer college-prep curriculum in Texas.
50. What can be the best title for the passage?
     A. High School Diploma Means Little
     B. Give Students More High-skill Jobs
     C. Math and Reading Skills Really Matter
     D. Judge Coursework at High Schools
【参考答案】47. C  48. B  49. B  50. A 

资料名称: 金华市东阳市2016中考英语二轮阅读理解训练(1)及答案
文件大小: 151K
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版本年级: 金华市中考专栏
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 金华市2016中考英语完形填空二轮演练(5)及答案 16-08-09

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 金华市2016中考英语完形填空二轮演练(1)及答案 16-08-09

 金华市东阳市2016中考英语二轮阅读理解训练(5)及答案 16-08-08

 金华市东阳市2016中考英语二轮阅读理解训练(4)及答案 16-08-08

 金华市东阳市2016中考英语二轮阅读理解训练(3)及答案 16-08-08

 金华市东阳市2016中考英语二轮阅读理解训练(2)及答案 16-08-08

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