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() 单项选择
1. ________ his learning method, his cousin was sure that he would achieve a good mark in the examination .
A.Being improved    B.Improved    C.To be improved       D.Having improved
2. _________ from his looks, he is a kind man.
A. Judging               B. Being judged  C. To judge      D. Judge
3. When I got back home, I saw a message pinned to the door _______  “Sorry to miss you; I’ll call later.”
A. read            B. reads         C. to read       D. reading
4. He sent me an e-mail, _____ __ to get further information.
A. hoped         B. hoping        C. to hope      D. hope
5. He was busy writing a story, only ________ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.
A to stop     B stopping    C to have stopped     D having stopped
6. It is one of the funniest things ______ on the Internet so far this year.
A finding     B being found     C to find      D found
7. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless __________ every day.

资料名称: 盐城市2015-2016学年高二暑假作业英语试题(7)含答案
文件大小: 123K
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版本年级: 译林牛津版高二下假期作业
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 盐城市2015-2016学年高二暑假作业英语试题(10)含答案 16-08-19

 盐城市2015-2016学年高二暑假作业英语试题(9)含答案 16-08-19

 盐城市2015-2016学年高二暑假作业英语试题(8)含答案 16-08-19

 盐城市2015-2016学年高二暑假作业英语试题(6)含答案 16-08-19

 盐城市2015-2016学年高二暑假作业英语试题(5)含答案 16-08-19

 盐城市2015-2016学年高二暑假作业英语试题(4)含答案 16-08-19

 盐城市2015-2016学年高二暑假作业英语试题(3)含答案 16-08-19

 盐城市2015-2016学年高二暑假作业英语试题(2)含答案 16-08-19

 盐城市2015-2016学年高二暑假作业英语试题(1)含答案 16-08-19


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