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41. The TV show doesn't interest me very much. It's boring, I                 (推断,料想).
42. We use irons to make our clothes                 (光滑).
43. Can you                 (抽空) some time for me? I have something important to tell you.
44. The                 (负责人) want to have a meeting to discuss the problem.
45. Maria passes the                  (木棒) to Jane.
46. A dolphin is very                 (聪明) because it can act as people do.
47. Wang Ping tries to                 (表演) at my birthday party.
48. The Monkey King was a                 (大师) of magic.
49. It is a p                (可惜) to miss the wonderful football match.
50. Listening to music can make you forget your                 (悲伤).
51. 杰克在一个远离他家乡的工厂工作。
Jack works in a factory                                   far from his hometown.
52. 如果我是你的话,我就找个看起来很和蔼的人交流。(字数不限)
If I were you, I'd like to talk to                 .
53. 我在周末经常去钓鱼,偶尔去爬山。
I often go fishing on weekends,                                                                     I climb the mountains.
54. 一些人只喜欢看同一种类型的电影,而我却喜欢看不同类型的电影,但这要取决于我那天的感受。
While some people                                   only one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds                                   how I feel that day.
55. 比起收到钱,玛丽更愿意收礼物。
Mary                                                    a gift rather than receive money.

资料名称: 2016年秋人教版九年级英语Unit9单元练习试卷含听力mp3
文件大小: 7830K
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版本年级: 新目标九年级上Unit9
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