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2016年秋外研版七年级英语上Module7 Computers单元练习含听力mp3
26. Many teenagers would like to s                 their photos or articles with others on the Internet.
27. There are many ways to get i                (信息) in the modern world.
28. The younger students in Australia can s                 their homework to their teachers by fax at home.
29. Don't forget to c                (检查) your test papers before you hand them in.
30. You must l                 by heart what the teacher says. It is good for you.
31. The police jumped into the river in order to s                 the little boy.
32. My dream is to t                 around the world.
33. It is usually very hot in June, but s                 it can be cool.
34. While Tony was at the shops, I was v                 my grandparents.
35. What color is your computer's s                ?
36. He often                 (拜访) his friends on Sundays.
37. Nowadays people usually                 (发送) emails to their families or friends instead of letters.
38. The little boy likes to                 (分享) his apples with the little girl.
39. Please                 (检查) your test paper before you hand it in.
40. What would you like to do on your                 (假期)?
41. Is the keyboard                 (连接) to the computer properly?
42. I often go to school by bike, but                 (有时) I walk to school.
43. We can get a lot of                 (信息) on the Internet.
44. You                 (点击) 'save' and write a name for it.
45. He is only eight, but he can wash his                 (衣服) himself.
46. 她正在寻找与这双鞋子同类的鞋子。
She                  the same kind of shoes as these.
47. 打开电视好吗?我想知道明天的天气预报。(词数不限)
Would you please                  the TV? I want to know the                  for tomorrow.
48. 我经常与朋友分享快乐与痛苦。
I often                  my happiness and unhappiness                  my friends.
49. It is free now; please                                   (打开) the television.
50. 你可以上网搜索信息。 (词数不限)
You can                  to                  the information.

资料名称: 2016年秋外研版七年级英语上Module7单元练习含听力mp3
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版本年级: 外研版七年级上Module7
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