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2016年秋外研版七年级英语上Module8 Choosing presents单元练习含听力mp3
26. Since everyone is  p                , let's begin our lesson.
27. All of these gifts are very common. Do you have anything s                ?
28. Which one would you like to c                , the blue one or the yellow one?
29. I'm a                 of snakes because I think they are dangerous.
30. Now parents are                  (花费) more and more money on their children's education.
31. I want to buy the car but it is very e                .
32. The students are supposed to w                 school clothes to school on weekdays.
33. The more we get together, the h                 we will be.
34. How many m                 did you buy and read last week?
35. She s                 all her popular songs at the concert last week.
36. He                 (总是) helps his sister with her English.
37. On her birthday, all of the friends gave her different kinds of                 (礼物).
38. What makes your friend so                 (特殊的)?
39. What do you often do on                 (周末)?
40. I don't think it necessary to buy such an                 (昂贵的) necklace for a child.
41. There are many coats here; it's hard for me to                 (选择).
42. Swimming can                 (锻炼) your whole body.
43. I'm                 (恐怕) they will lose the game.
44. It's a                 (秘密) between you and us. Don't tell anybody about it.
45. There are going to be three basketball                 (比赛) next week.

资料名称: 2016年秋外研版七年级英语上Module8单元练习含听力mp3
文件大小: 4162K
文件格式: rar
版本年级: 外研版七年上Module8
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