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人教新课标英语必修5 Unit3同步精练及答案
上传者:   加入日期:16-09-09

人教新课标英语必修5 Unit3 Life in the future同步精练及答案
I. 单句改错
1. You'll find this map of great valuable in helping you to get round London.
2. Five pounds of apples doesn't cost two dollar.
3. He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of those hadn't been cleaned for at least a year.
4. The Emperor opened his eyes widely but still saw nothing.
5. Mother promised she will buy me a bike.
6. The number of people invited was fifty, but a number of them was absent for different reasons.
7. Among them were a soldier who was wounded in the stomach.
8. It's important for parents and children to learn how to get through to each other and skills in understanding and be understood.
9. The days when we were together without any worries are gone and I'll always remember the days when we spent together.
10. Since you have seen both fighters, who you think will win?

资料名称: 人教新课标英语必修5 Unit3同步精练及答案
文件大小: 81K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 人教新课标必修5Unit3
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 2017-2018学年高二英语必修五Unit3课后练习含答案 17-09-23

 人教版英语必修5 Unit3同步练习及答案 16-09-09

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