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1. From the second paragraph we can learn   .
A. actually rivers give off much more nitrous oxide than expected
B. scientists’ calculation is totally wrong
C. human activities release nitrous oxide in to the rivers
D. there is no nitrogen in fertilizer
2. Which of the following is NOT the source of nitrogen?
A. Fertilizer use.            B. Sewage discharges.
C. Fossil fuel combustion.     D. Climate change.
3. Nitrous oxide is a powerful greenhouse gas because   .
A. it can protect us from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation
B. it is to blame for most of human-induced climate change
C. it is a far more common greenhouse gas
D. it has much more warming potential than carbon dioxide
4. What does the passage mainly tells us?
A. Rivers may be a source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide.
B. It’s human activities that release nitrogen into the environment.
C. How to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from river networks
D What to do with the climate change caused by nitrous oxide.

资料名称: 2016-2017学年高考英语阅读理解解析汇编(74)
文件大小: 102K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 高考阅读
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 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(六)含解析 17-10-27

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 2018届人教版高考英语复习阅读理解能力测试(一)含解析 17-10-27

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 2018届人教版高考英语复习《阅读理解》课时作业(47)含解析 17-10-26


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