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四、用所给词 的适当形式填空
1. Are you _____________(will) to help us with our English?
2. Please tell her_____________ (not wake) me u p this evening.
3. Our teacher made us _____________ (stand) in a line.
4. Marx has a good sense of ______________(humorous). He often makes us laugh.
5. Mary is sweet and she always has ____________(smile) eyes.
6. _____________ (be) there interesting films last week?
7. Thanks for _____________ (invite) me to your party.
8. Suzhou is one of_____________ (popular)cities in China.
9. Do you know his _____________(high)? I think I am taller than him.
10. Tom is _____________ (bad) at English in his class. He always gets full marks.
1. I’ll buy a pair of glasses because of my poor             (视力).
2. ---Is             (每人)here today ? ---No, Jim is ill in hospital.
3. I hate the             (广告)when I watch TV.
4. I want to be a doctor in the             (将来).
5. Your idea is great, so I             (同意) with you.
6. Xiao Wang is a top student. He always answers the questions             (正确).
7. We all can’t forget the              (令人愉快的)hiking to the town of Datao.
8. My cousin always w             a smile on his face and looks happy.
9. I feel really u             when I sit on the old sofa.
10. ---I am very n            when I speak in class.  ---There’s no need to be afraid next time.

资料名称: 南京市扬子一中2016年秋八年级上Unit1单元测试卷含答案
文件大小: 103K
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版本年级: 牛津8AUnit1
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