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1.The___________ (气候)in the south is quite different from that in the north.
2.It’s necessary to know something about what the colour___________ (象征)
3.He kept___________ (日记)when he was young.
4.It’s impossible to make everyone___________ (满意)with the arrangement.
5.When he was young,he___________ (更喜欢)to play with his toy.
6.I don’t think he is acting___________ (正常).
7.I don’t want to___________ (影响)you.You must decide for yourself.
8.All the students are___________ (需要,要求)to get to school on time.
9.He made a sudden___________ (决定)
10.When we wear trainers,we feel___________ (放松)
1. Don’t be nervous. Be _____________ (relax) and you will perform well in the show.
2. We could see the _____________ (happy) on his face after he heard the bad news.
3. He _______________ (prefer) English to Chinese last term.
4. The sun gives us ______________ (warm) and makes us feel comfortable.
 5. Yellow is the color of _______________ (wise). Many students choose yellow stationary during exams.       
6. The boy asked his father if the earth _______ (move) around the sun in surprise. 
7. Blue was once believed to have the power to drive evil spirits away, so people dressed baby boys in blue in the hope that boys would ___________ (protect). 
8. The little dog prefers bones to meat. He’d rather ____________ (eat) something hard.
9. —Are you going to have a party to celebrate your birthday?
—Sorry, I __________ (not decide).    
10. I think all your ___________ (suggest) are very important and helpful to us.
六、 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。
1. 红色和白色是好的搭配,因为有力量的红色能平衡沉静的白色。
  Red and white are ________ ________ _________, as the powerful red ___________ the calm white.
2. 当你犹豫不决的时候,红色可以有助于你做决定。
  This may help when you __________ ___________ ____________ ____________ a decision.
3. 当一些人想要成功的时候,他们更喜欢黄色。
Some people________ yellow when they ____________ ___________ ____________.
4.  黄色是太阳的颜色,所以它能让你想到温暖晴朗的一天。
   Yellow is the colour of sun, so it can __________ __________ ___________ a warm sunny day.
5. 如果你需要在身心上的力量,红色可能能帮助你。
   If you __________ ___________ in either body or mind, red may _________ ________ ________    _________to you.

资料名称: 南京市扬子一中2016届九年级上英语Unit2单元检测卷含答案
文件大小: 84K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津9AUnit2
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