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2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit7 Work for Peace基础练习含答案
16. Our teacher led our class to v                 in this football match.
17. If your watch is broken, please ask Mr. Wang to r                 it for you.
18. Don't forget to l                 the door if you are the last person to leave.
19. Don't talk or laugh loudly. We should keep s                 in the library.
20. I saw the White House where the P                 of the USA lives.
21. Deng Yaping helped make the Beijing Olympics a v                 for world sport.
22. I need to r                 my bike. It's broken.
23. Make sure the door is l                 before you go to bed.
24. Ann kept s                 all day because his little brother broke her toy bear.
25. Barack Obama is p                 of the US now.
26. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics is a v                 for world sport.
27. My car doesn't work. I need to ask someone to r                 it.
28. Don't forget to l                 the doors when you leave the classroom.
29. --- Why are you s                ?
--- I don't want to talk because of the bad news.
30. Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election and became the 44th P                 of the United States on January 20, 2009.
31. Ladies and                  (先生), let's help the people in Yushu County together!
32. The grandchild nods his head to show his                 (同意) to his grandpa.
33. There are some                 (蛇) in the picture.
34. They could learn English well in such a bad                 (情况).
35. The food in this hotel is good, but the                 (服务) is poor.
36. I am not sure whether the watches are those                 (绅士).
37. Never shout at your parents even if you are not in                 (意见一致).
38. Never go near the                 (蛇). Remember that they are dangerous.
39. His grandfather's healthy                 (情况) is getting better and better.
40. Suzhou Light Rail Line l will be in                 (服务) on 28 April, 2012.
41. Ladies and                 (先生们), we'll have a party next Friday.
42. Don't worry. We are all in                 (一致) with you.
43. Are you afraid of                 (蛇)?
44. I love                 (情景) comedy.
45. The supermarket has good                 (服务).

资料名称: 2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit7基础练习含答案
文件大小: 43K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 冀教版九年级Unit7
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