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2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit10 Get Ready for the Future基础练习含答案
16. I go to work on w                , but I am free on weekends.
17. The teachers are from a poor p                 school in Gansu province.
18. Yesterday I picked up a w                . But there is no money in it.
19. --- Mr. Wang, I won the 5,000-metre race in the city sports meeting.
--- C                 to you!
20. There is a bird on the t                 of the tree.
21. We usually work on w                 and rest on weekends.
22. I was a p                 school student when I was seven years old.
23. I have no money, because I lost my w                .
24. C                ! You pass the examination.
25. Finally they got to the t                 of Mount Tai.
26. The days from Monday to Friday are w                .
27. Your disease is still in its p                 stage.
28. I put my money in my w                .
29. We won the girls' relay race. C                .
30. We were tired and couldn't climb up to the t                 of the mountain.
31. The                 (老板) of the company didn't have any evidence to                 (证明) he was at the scene of the crime.
32. It took a long                 (时期) of time to build the Great Wall in China's history.
33. Success and                 (财富) changed his life and character.
34. He closed his                 (笔记本) and stood up.
35. The young writer asked Ba Jin to write a                 (评论) for his new book.
36. The                 (老板) was not pleased with Mary's work.
37. You should give him a hand. This was the most difficult                 (阶段) of his life.
38. As we all know, health is better than                 (财富).
39. Is this your                 (笔记本)?
40. Before the tests we have a                 (复习) of the year's work.
41. The man in a black shirt is my                 (老板). He is a kind man.
42. The factory will be closed down over a 2-year                 (一段时间).
43. You should understand that                 (财富) is not as important as health is.
44. I have some                 (笔记本) in my schoolbag.
45. The newspaper gave a                 (评论) of the new book.

资料名称: 2016年秋冀教版九年级英语上Unit10基础练习含答案
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版本年级: 《冀教版九年级Unit10》
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