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1. Mr. Wu __   __ (邀请) me to join their school trip to the World Park yesterday.
2. We became very ______(兴奋) when we saw the Eiffel Tower from the coach.
3. Do you know the ______(主要的) idea of the article?
4. There are many places of i__________ in Nanjing.
5 The p___________ of the USA lives in the White House.
6. One of the        (climb) got to the top of the mountain finally.
7. I can’t wait         (open) my present on Children’s Day.
8. How         (bore) the trip to South Hill is!
9. Linda’s parents will go and see the photos for         (they).
10. It’s a fine day today. The sun             (shine) in a clear blue sky.
11. Because of the          (end) housework, Millie always feels tired.
12. ---How are you feeling today?  --- Even        (bad)
13. The final            (take) place at the Sports Center next month.
14. Tommy fell off the bike.           (luck), he wasn’t hurt badly.
15. Alice’s          (cheer) smile made me forget my sadness.

资料名称: 姜堰市2016-2017年度八年级上英语Unit3单元试卷有答案
文件大小: 66K
文件格式: doc
版本年级: 牛津8AUnit3
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