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牛津译林版英语9A Unit3 Teenage problems知识归纳与拓展
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牛津译林版英语9A Unit3 Teenage problems知识归纳与拓展
1.I dream of a long holiday so that I could have more time for my hobbies.(P36)
   句中的so that用来引导目的状语从句,常与may,can,will等连用,意为“为的是”,相当于“in order that”。如:
We turned on the light so that we could see what it was.
I hired a boat so that 1 could go fishing in the lake.
有时,在so that,in order that引导的目的状语从句中,当主从句中的主语一致时可以用so as to或in order to来改写为简单句,所以以上的两个例句也可以改写为:
We turned on the light so as to/in order to see what it was.
I hired a boat so as to/in order to go fishing in the lake.
Andy ran so quickly that we couldn’t keep up with him.
2.It seems that you spend a lot of time playing football.(P39)
   句中的seem是连系动词,后面可接形容词作表语,意为“似乎或好像……”的意思。另外,seem作连系动词时,后面通常接动词不定式作为表语.当动词不定式是to be+形容词的时候,to be可以省略。如:
She seems(to be)hungry.她好像饿了。
All her attention is paid to her children and she seems to have little time for anything else.
It seems that she is happy.=She seems(to be)happy.
另外,seem也可用于there be句型中。如:
There seems to be a knock at the door.似乎有人在敲门。
3.talk to your best friend when feeling sad and share your problems with her(P43)
    when feeling sad是when you are feeling sad的省略句。当时间状语从句中的主语和主语的主语一致(这里共同的主语是you),且从句中有be动词时.町以省略从句的主语和be动词。
While(I was)walking along the street.I heard my name called. 
Work hard when(you are)young,or you’ll regret.

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版本年级: 牛津9AUnit3
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